Flor de Doñana SL, wants to inform the users and clients of its website, the policy carried out regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of those people who voluntarily use the contact forms to contract with Flor de Doñana SL , Any of the services offered on the web, which imply the communication of your personal data to Flor de Tomorrow SL
1.-Identification of the person responsible for the file
Flor de Doñana SL, with CIF B21558549, registered in the Registry, informs the user and client of its website of the existence of an automated personal data file called Clients, which is responsible for Flor de Doñana SL. , With address in P.IMatalagrana plot 13-14, 21730 Almonte, Huelva, Spain, where the personal data that the user and client communicate to Flor deDoñana SL are collected and stored.
2.-Updating of policies
Flor de Doñana S.L. Without prior notice, modify this privacy policy whenever necessary to adapt it to any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, administrative change or for the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Data Protection Agency or object Of Flor de Tomorrow SL Any modification of this policy notwithstanding the above, will be published and warned on the website of Flor de Doñana S.L. And in politics itself. For all the above, Flor de Doñana S.L. Recommends to the users the regular reading of these policies in order to be able to know the changes that they are made.
3.-Purpose of the file
Flor de Doñana S.L. Does not request on its website data to the users who visit it, therefore, the communication of personal data by the user to Flor de Doñana S.L. Through its website can only be understood to occur when they voluntarily use the service of budget form to contact Flor de Doñana S.L., Since in these cases the processing of data is inevitable and implicit to the contracting system. For these cases and those described in the following section, the entity informs the client that the processing of the data is performed for the following purposes: Carry out all the steps related to the preparation of budgets, contracting and provision of services, To the company to which it belongs or, if applicable, to the interested party who requests it. As well as answer and answer the communications received and the maintenance of Flor de Doñana S.L historical of commercial relations.
Flor de Doñana S.L., informs that this privacy policy contains all aspects related to the processing of personal data that Flor de Doñana S.L. Is responsible for it. Thus, it is informed that when the user does not maintain business relations with Flor de Doñana SL, and sends an email or a communication to Flor de Doñana SL, indicating other personal data, said user will be giving his free, unequivocal, Specific, informed and express for the treatment of your personal data by Flor de Doñana SL, with the previously established purposes, as well as to attend to your communication or send documentation. To the same effect, Flor de Doñana S.L. Informs that, if the client sends an email or communicates to Flor de Doñana S.L. Your personal data by reason of the position you hold in a company, whether as administrator, manager, representative and / or any other position as contact person in the company, it will be understood that such communication entails the provision of free, unequivocal, specific , Informed and express for the treatment of your personal data by Flor de Doñana SL, with the previously established purposes, as well as attending your communication or sending documentation.
5 .- Identification of the recipients regarding which Flor de Doñana SL. To make assignments or access to data on behalf of third parties
Flor de Doñana S.L. It only envisages the realization of assignments or communications of data that due to article 11.2.c. Of the Organic Law 15/99 on personal data protection (hereinafter LOPD) must carry out to meet its obligations with the Public Administrations in the cases that are required in accordance with the legislation in force in each subject at any time and in His case also, to other bodies such as Judges, Public Prosecutor, Courts, Court of Accounts or Ombudsman. Also Flor de Doñana S.L. It notifies the user that any other assignment of data that must be made will be brought to the attention of the user when foreseen by the LOPD, informing him expressly, precisely and unequivocally of the recipients of the information, of the purpose for which they will be used The data, and the nature of E the data transferred, or where applicable, when the LOPD establishes it, previously will be requested the specific and informed consent to the user.
However, Flor de Doñana S.L. Informs the user and the client that any processing of personal data is subject to the legislation in force in Spain in terms of data protection, established by the LOPD and its complementary and development regulations. In this sense, Flor de Doñana S.L. Is only responsible and guarantees the confidentiality of personal data requested by the user through the website www.raigal.com not having any responsibility for the processing and subsequent uses of personal data that may be made by third parties Providers of information society services who could access such data by reason of the provision of their services or the exercise of their activity.
Third party service providers of the information society shall be understood to be not limited to those natural or legal persons who provide the following services:
a) Transmission through a data communication network provided by the recipients of the service.
B) Access services to the said network.
C) Data storage or hosting services.
D) Provision of contents or information.
Also, Flor de Doñana S.L. Is not responsible for data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks to Flor de Doñana S.L. Nor of those responsible to whom through hyperlinks Flor de Doñana S.L. Refers to its visitors.
6.-Quality of data
Flor de Doñana SL, warns the user that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, reason why the user at all times must Take into account that you can only include personal data that correspond to your own identity and that are appropriate, relevant, current, accurate and true. For such purposes, the user will be the sole responsible Flor de Doñana S.L., For the use of personal data of another person, or his own personal data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inadequate or impertinent. Likewise, the user who uses the personal data of a third party, will respond before the latter of the information obligation established in article 5.4 of the LOPD for when personal data have not been collected from the interested party, and / or the consequences of Not having informed him
7.-Exercise of the rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation of data
Flor de Doñana S.L. Informs the user of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a written request addressed to Flor de Doñana SL, at the following address: pi Matalagrana parcela 13-14, 21730 Almonte, Huelva, Spain, or through Email hello@flordedonana.com
8.- Use of forms for the collection of personal data by Flor de Doñana SL
Flor de Doñana SL. It includes a legend in the data collection form, which indicates all the conditions for the processing of personal data in accordance with article 5 of the LOPD, such as the mandatory or optional nature of the response To the questions raised, the consequences of obtaining the data or refusal to provide them, the purposes of the collection, the possible assignments that are carried out, and the consent for the processing of personal data that are made.
9.-Security measures taken in relation to the processing of personal data
Flor de Doñana SL informs the user that, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and the Development Regulation, it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the Security of personal data and avoid unauthorized alteration, loss, processing or access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. Also Flor de Doñana S.L. Guarantees to the user the fulfillment of the duty of professional secrecy with respect to the personal data of the users and the duty to save them.
10. Computer Security Policy
Flor de Doñana S.L. Informs users of the website that on their web site, there are installed security tools including antivirus, antispyware, and antispam.
11. Cookies and IPs
The user accepts the use of cookies and IP tracking. Our site traffic analyzer uses cookies and IP tracking that allow us to collect data for statistical purposes such as: date of first visit, number of times visited, date of last visit, URL and domain from which it comes, Browser used and screen resolution. However, the user If you wish, you may disable and / or delete these cookies by following the instructions in your Internet browser.
Flor de Doñana S.L does not use Spamming techniques and will only treat the data that the user transmits through the electronic forms enabled in this website or emails.
The processing of personal data, as well as the sending of commercial communications made by electronic means, comply with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Personal Data Protection (BOE of December 14, 1999) and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (BOE of July 12, 2002).